The OxyBatt project will disseminate validated findings, enhancing the project’s impact within the scientific community. OxyBatt’s scientific publications will also contribute to knowledge sharing, fostering innovation in with Open Science policies.
Federico Baiutti, Francesco Chiabrera, Marlene Anzengruber, Kosova Kreka, Juande Sirvent, Lluis Yedra, Fjorelo Buzi, Macej Oskar Liedke, Andrea Cavallaro, Albert Carmona Zuazo, Sonia Estradé, Maik Butterling, Eric Hirschmann, Andreas Wagner, Ainara Aguadero, Francisca Peiró, Albert Tarancon
Publishing date
17 February 2025
Advanced Materials Interfaces
While grain boundary engineering is attracting great interest as a potential strategy to fabricate highly electrochemically active materials, open questions remain in relation to the fundamental mechanisms of local property enhancement as well as to the potential technological impact of such nanostructuring strategies. In this paper, the ability to turn a predominantly electronic conductor into an excellent mixed-ionic electronic conductor by grain boundary doping is demonstrated for nanocrystalline films of lanthanum chromite. A four-orders-of-magnitude increase in the oxygen diffusion coefficient at grain boundaries is observed, and related to local chemical changes. It is shown that grain boundary effects can be effectively exploited for technological purposes by fabricating a proof-of-concept symmetric solid oxide cell based on lanthanum chromite film electrodes. The cell is operated under reversible gas feeding conditions, exhibiting electrode self-healing characteristics. The results provide new insights on the fundamental aspects of fast grain boundary oxygen diffusion and validate grain boundary engineering as a technologically relevant strategy for the realization of solid oxide cells with enhanced performance.