Industries are undergoing major changes to improve productivity and safety, with the introduction of connectivity, real time reconfiguration and controlled production.
The model of Industry 4.0 presents high levels of cognitive automation designed to incorporate predictive maintenance, minimizing machine failures and maintenance costs.
Industry 4.0 is built on the collection and treatment of data from equipments and relies on the use of sensors, communication and control units that constitute the universe of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
However, even if technological advancements have made it possible to monitor parameters in challenging environments (e.g. extreme vibrations, exposure to chemicals, humidity, radiation, etc.), there is currently no battery to power devices at temperatures between 200ºC and 400ºC, due to issues related to performance degradation and safety concerns of commercial battery systems. This poses a strong limitation on the penetration of IIoT solutions in energy-intensive industries, where high temperatures and risk of explosion are common.
reduction in breakdowns can be achieved by adopting IIoT solutions
annual growth rate of maintenance 4.0 market size for 2024-2032
of anticipated CAGR forecasted for 2023-2029 for the high-temperature battery market
Right now, the only batteries on the market that can operate at high temperatures require thermal insulation and safety cases, with no practical applicability as portable systems. OxyBatt represents a game-changer in the world of portable batteries. Our thin-film rechargeable system harnesses the power of oxygen storage, naturally adapting to high temperatures. Our oxygen-ion technology represents the natural choice for powering the hugely growing sector of IIoT.
Oxygen-ion batteries can continuously operate at higher temperatures between the range of 200º and 400ºC, without the need for costly and heavy cooling systems.
Our batteries present an all-solid state architecture based on ceramic, non-flammable materials, eliminating safety concerns
We use advanced thin-film technology to achieve a miniaturized, lightweight design that can easily be integrated for powering IIoT devices.
Oxygen-ion batteries work just like any other rechargeable battery. Uniquely to Oxygen-ion batteries, at the end of life the initial performance can be easily restored by exchanging oxygen with the atmosphere, ensuring exceptional device lifetime.
Energy is stored in the form of oxygen ions, with no use of scarce and geolocalized elements such as Li and Co, a current concern for the EU.
The energy storage performance is comparable to state-of-the-art Li-based batteries.
Oxygen-ion batteries enable the implementation of sensing devices for pipe health management or control of operation and the access to previously inaccessible data.
Implementing oxygen-ion batteries allows the monitoring of engine parameters, brakes and moving parts.
Oxygen-ion batteries enable the use of electronic sensors or gauges for measurement-while-drilling (MWD) and logging-while-drilling (LWD) applications.